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2012-06-01 Сертификаты Cisco

Certificate of Course Completion
IT Essentials: PC Hardware and Software
During the IT Essentials: PC Hardware and Software course, administered by the undersigned instructor, the studentdemonstrated the following competencies:

  • Define Information Technology (IT) and describe the components of a personal computer
  • Protect themselves, equipment and the environment from accidents, damage, and contamination.
  • Perform a step-by-step assembly of a desktop computer
  • Explain the purpose of preventive maintenance and identify the elements of the troubleshooting process.
  • Install and navigate an operating system.
  • Upgrade or replace components of a laptop, printer, or scanner based on customer needs
  • Configure computers to attach to an existing network
  • Apply good communications skills and professional behavior while working with customers.
  • Perform preventive maintenance and basic troubleshooting.

Student Aleksey Anatolyev
Academy Name Moscow School #1357 (UNESCO ASPnet)
Location Moscow
Instructor Timokhina, Lada

Date June 1,2012

Date June 3,2012





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